Probate Lawyer in Cloud Lake

Cloud Lake, Florida is a town in Palm Beach County. During the 2010 census, its population was 135. Cloud Lake was the least populated town in Palm Beach County. However, that so-called honor has gone to Westlake, Florida whose population is only five residents. Cloud Lake is located next to Glen Ridge and West Palm Beach and close to the Palm Beach International Airport. Created in 1951, it was mainly constructed by the endeavors of Karl and Kenyon Riddle, twin brothers. In the 20s, Karl acted as West Palm Beach’s City Manager and Superintendent of Public Works. Cloud Lake was incorporated in 1949. Its name is originated from the Seminole Indians’ Chief Yaholoochee, which means “The Cloud”.

Power of Attorney (POA) in Florida, Part I

Question any Florida estate planning lawyer, and he or she will say to you that a power of attorney (POA) is a typical form that he or she writes for his or her clients. From city to city, county to county, and everywhere in Florida, everybody appears to possess POA just like a Last Will and Revocable Trust. These POA forms are extremely important that the Florida legislature established a completely new law on POAs, which can be found in Chapter 709 of the Florida Statutes.

POAs can assist you with a restricted, concentrated issue, such as giving somebody the power to sell your Florida real estate or file your tax returns. However, secure powers of attorney can be much more extensive and potent with tremendous influence like to assist in protecting and managing your property when you cannot if you are disabled or incompetent. That is why most Florida guardianship attorneys wish to immediately be known if somebody has a POA when a person files a guardianship against him or her. Possessing power of attorney might indicate that you do not require a guardianship.

If you are considering establishing a POA, there is an extremely imperative matter. Do you wish your POA to be capable of modifying your trust, bank accounts, or beneficiaries? Can your POA modify the inheritor of your $5 Million life insurance policy, for instance, from your second or third wife to your adult daughter from your first marriage? Can your POA place his or her name on the heading to your bank account and turn it into a joint account with a survivorship right? If you wish your POA to be capable of altering your estate plan, you must think about perusing the Florida Law Chapter 709, which deals with supposed Florida Super-Powers. 

 In addition, you must speak with your estate attorney about who you are selecting to function as your POA, and what power you wish to grant to him or her. If you have a second or third spouse who is not your children’s parent, be extremely cautious, if you become disabled or incompetent, they might battle over what is happening with your property, who has authority to utilize your money, and what the POA can do. You also ought to speak with a Florida guardianship attorney if you wish to understand how a POA functions if your children or spouse file a guardianship against you.